Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Change Background in CMD (Command Prompt)


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Command Prompt is a command line mediator application accessible in many Windows working frameworks. It's utilized to execute entered commands. The vast majority of those commands robotize errands by means of contents and bunch documents, perform progressed authoritative capacities, and investigate or understand specific sorts of Windows issues. The command prompt is a windows application that lets you provide the system instructions. it is able to automate tasks, troubleshoot troubles, and carry out all types of features.

How to Change Background in CMD (Command Prompt)

> Open Command Prompt by opening the Start menu or Press Windows+R key and type "cmd". 

> Now, type "color ?" Now there will be a list of numbers and letters with the color name.

> Now, type "color (your color code)" (e.g color 4B). If you press only one key (e.g color B) Only the Color of the text will be changed, to change the background you have to combine the keys. All right? 

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